Welcome to iDust.org

IDUST is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) of international researchers, activists and scientists dedicated to stopping the use of Depleted Uranium U-238 (DU) in military weapons.

The establishment of IDUST represents a timely and urgently important targeted expansion of alliance-building, education, research and outreach efforts. IDUST builds on the foundation of knowledge and skills gathered and work accomplished over the past 25 years by it’s team members.

DU is a highly toxic heavy metal with a radioactive half-life of 4 1/2 billion years. DU has accumulated in enormous quantities since the dawn of the nuclear age. Despite the name “Depleted” Uranium, DU has more than 1/2 the radioactivity of pure uranium.

Our focus is to increase public awareness of both the problems associated with DU in weapons and the need to enforce existing international humanitarian and human rights law that prohibit the use of DU in military weapons. We have a plan to aid in the elimination of the use of this highly toxic and radioactive material in military weapons throughout the world.

Our current on-going projects include:

  1. Education: Through speaking tours, seminars, and our website to provide information relating to the effects of DU on human and environmental health and to current efforts to ban DU weapons.
  2. Organization: Create local, national and international forums for community exchanges and education. Formation of IDUST Teams.
  3. Research: “Depleted Uranium Industry and Money in Politics,” “Depleted Uranium on Indigenous Lands,” “Global Proliferation of Depleted Uranium.”
  4. Health: Promote health and environmental studies in domestic and international communities affected by DU contamination.
  5. Legislation: Impact international laws and policies to halt the use of DU in military weapons. To promote local legislation regarding testing of returning troups and remediation of contaminated areas.